Page 146 - Cres-Can 2018 White Pages
P. 146

"When Business is Good, It Pays to Advertise;
                                                      When Business is Bad You've Got to Advertise."

                                                          For Advertising Rates & Information Call 818-249-5224

Sokolow Mildred . . . . . . . . . . .957-2888         Sommerville Jean                                     Song Ki                                             Sosikian Michael
                                                       5183 Vista Miguel Dr (LCF) . .952-7019               2721 Ridgepine Dr (LaCr) . . .236-3621              3953 Hamilton Ln (LaCr) . . . .249-7675
Solano Abel
 2381 Mira Vista Av (M) . . . . .249-4193             Somoano Robert                                       Song Mike                                           Sossi Jewelry Design
                                                       835 Old Landmark Ln (LCF) .790-2123                  2749 Ridgepine Dr (LaCr) . . .957-2438              1917 Broadview Dr (G) . . . .957-4402
Solares James
 4537 Castle Rd (LCF) . . . . . .369-7143             Somoza Candace . . . . . . . . . .957-3472           Song Myoung Woo                                     Sossi Jewelry Design
                                                                                                            2231 Montrose Av (M) . . . . .248-9970              1917 Broadview Dr (G) . . . . .957-4493
Solay Lester                                          Son Hang Il
 4851 Commonwealth (LCF) .790-4182                     3155 Montrose Av (LaCr) . . .249-3235               Song Nami                                           Sotany Joseph & Kathy
                                                                                                            5439 Ocean View Bl (LCF) . .957-6860                370 San Juan Wy (LCF) . . . .790-9548
Soldano Margaret                                      Son Hwan Geon
 2937 Gertrude Av (LaCr) . . .330-9149                 4721 Orange Knoll Av (LCF) .790-8389                Song Soo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .248-9908    Sothan Jane
                                                                                                                                                                2302 Janet Lee Dr (LaCr) . . .248-1482
Soldoz Alvarad                                        Son Joo Sung                                         Song W . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .547-3691
 3249 Beaudry Ter (G) . . . . . .249-0242              4833 Gould Av (LCF) . . . . . .952-7099                                                                 Sotin Christophe
                                                                                                           Sonin Nina D.D.S.                                    2128 La Canada Crest (LCF) 330-9157
Soleimanpour Joseph                                   Son Julia                                             3043 Foothill Bl (LaCr) . . . . .542-3039
 3049 Montrose Av (LaCr) . . .248-9302                 2912 Oakendale Pl (LaCr) . .249-9714                                                                    Soto J . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .248-7173
                                                                                                           Sonnie R & L
Soleimantour Joseph                                   Son Justin                                            5424 Castle Knoll Rd (LCF) .248-7759               Sotomayor Yvonne
 2615 Canada Bl (G) . . . . . . .245-6392              4029 Ramsdell Av (LaCr) . . .248-7115                                                                    3921 Santa Carlotta (LaCr) . .248-1132
                                                                                                           Sonomed LLC
Soleymani Lilya                                       Son K . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .952-7208   1375 Foothill Bl (LCF) . . . . . .952-5085         Souad Assaf
 1821 Wabasso Way (G) . . . .243-2654                                                                                                                           3443 Honolulu Av (LaCr) . . . .248-8309
                                                      Son Natalie H                                        Soo Hoo B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .790-1144
Soleymani Razmik                                       3038 Brookhill St (LaCr) . . . .248-6505                                                                Soucar Jamil
 1714 Sombra Dr (G) . . . . . . .246-1351                                                                  Soo Hoo Spencer & Jan . . . . .952-4103              3515 Honolulu Av (LaCr) . . . .275-3389
                                                      Son Tae Hee
Soli Desiree                                           1717 Verdugo Rd N (G) . . . .396-5234               Soo Lee                                             Soule Matthew
 2406 Montrose Av (M) . . . . . .249-9717                                                                   4201 Mesa Vista Dr (LCF) . .790-7189                3815 Orangedale Av (M) . . . .957-8093
                                                      Son Tae Seung
Soliman Father James                                   5312 Pineridge Dr N (LaCr) .249-4605                Sood N . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .790-6667  Sous Nagi
 990 Calle la Primavera (G) . .543-1533                                                                                                                         1200 Inverness Dr (LCF) . . . .864-6270
                                                      Son Vince . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .957-1884    Sook Myung . . . . . . . . . . . . . .957-7467
Solis Lisa                                                                                                                                                     Sousa Rodriguez Christian
 2640 Honolulu Av (M) . .747-255-7145                 Song Aisok                                           Sookazian Ebram                                      1717 Verdugo Rd N (G) . . . .945-5563
                                                       1887 Caminito del Cielo (G) .547-3820                3027 Piedmont Av (LaCr) . . .330-7505
Solish Alfred                                                                                                                                                  Sousa Rodriguez Christian
 1425 El Vago St (LCF) . . . . .790-5510              Song Alex                                            Sookazian Gayzoohi                                   4343 Ocean View Bl (M) . . . .275-3351
                                                       4520 Pennsylvania (LaCr) . .249-3504                 3254 Altura Av (LaCr) . . . . . .249-5231
Solomaho Helena                                                                                                                                                Soussa Joseph
 2315 Maurice Av (LaCr) . . . .236-4839               Song Eun Hee                                         Soon Hwang Ock . . . . . . . . . .396-5519           4949 Palm Dr (LCF) . . . . . . .952-2413
                                                       1717 Verdugo Rd N (G) . . . .637-8523
Solomon Connie                                                                                             Soon Poong                                          Soussa Joseph
 400 Palmerstone Dr (LCF) . .790-5397                 Song Eun Young                                        2139 Foothill Bl (LCF) . . . . . .248-9958          4949 Palm Dr (LCF) . . . . . . .952-7253
                                                       5031 Humphrey Wy (LaCr) .249-3664
Solomon John . . . . . . . . . . . . .957-6906                                                             Soontarinka Suchart                                 Soussa Joseph
                                                      Song Hwan Choi                                        3458 Santa Carlotta (LaCr) .957-4602                4949 Palm Dr (LCF) . . . . . . .952-7668
Solomon Karen Mrs                                      907 Valley Crest (LCF) . . . . .790-2260
 1550 Verdugo Rd N (G) . . . .507-0971                                                                     Soorenian Vrej                                      South Jonathan
                                                      Song Hyung                                            3247 Montrose Av (LaCr) . . .957-7761               4635 La Crescenta (LCr) 747-255-7154
Solomon Philip                                         3228 Washington Pl (LaCr) . .248-6955
 2232 Mira Vista Av (M) . . . . .541-1266                                                                  Sorena Nadaf                                        South Pacific Rehab Services
                                                      Song Hyunsook . . . . . . . . . . . .495-4595         4977 Terracita Ln (LCF) . . . .790-7506             2123 Verdugo Bl (M) . . . . . . .330-9996
Solomons Escrow Company Inc
 2529 Foothill Bl (LaCr) . . . . .249-5557            Song Hyunsook . . . . . . . . . . . .495-4594        Sorensen Henning                                    SOUTH PASADENA
                                                                                                            2644 Risa Dr (G) . . . . . . . . . .247-4405       DIRECTORY
Soltani Alina                                         Song Hyunsook . . . . . . . . . . . .495-4593
 2616 Canada Bl (G) . . . . . . .545-8322                                                                  Sorgent Joseph                                       1613 Chelsea (SM) .....626-284-6744
                                                      Song Ji H                                             3932 Mayfield Av (LaCr) . . . .957-7273
Soltero Nancy                                          1031 Calle Allegre (G) . . . . .507-5779                                                                Southern Calif Nasal & Sinus Care Ctr
 3335 Triangle Pl (G) . . . . . . .330-7002                                                                Sorgent Joseph                                       1808 Verdugo Bl (G) . . . . . . .790-3172
                                                      Song Ji Youn                                          3932 Mayfield Av (LaCr) . . . .957-4174
Soltes L . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .249-3879   954 Flintridge Av (LCF) . . . . .952-0993                                                               Southern California Edison
                                                                                                           Sorgent Joseph                                       Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .800-655-4555
Solymanijam Robin M.D.                                Song Jin Wook                                         3932 Mayfield Av (LaCr) . . . .275-3592
 1818 Verdugo Bl (G) . . . . . . .952-0648             3400 Downing Av (G) . . . . . .249-4739                                                                 Southern California Radiology
                                                                                                           Soriano Danita                                       1809 Verdugo Bl (G) . . . . . . .790-9300
Solymar George                                        Song Jong Suk                                         4127 Ocean View Bl (M) . . . .249-7559
 2203 Crescent Av (M) . . . . . .957-1822              3130 Montrose Av (LaCr) . . .248-9471                                                                   Southern Inspirations Inc
                                                                                                           Sorlisyaghoub R . . . . . . . . . . .249-0409        2355 Honolulu Av (M) . . . . . .248-9911
Soma Antoine                                          Song Joseph
 1834 Colina Dr (G) . . . . . . . .244-3474            2223 Montrose Av (M) . . . . .957-2079              Sort James                                          Southwest Business Controllers
                                                                                                            1224 Journeys End Dr (LCF) 790-2379                 2604 Foothill Bl (LaCr) . . . . .957-0774
Somerville Paul & Norika                              Song Jung Sook
 1050 Fairview Dr (LCF) . . . . .790-6133              3622 First Av (LaCr) . . . . . . .249-4375          Sortino Marjorie                                    Southwick Susan
                                                                                                            1311 Oak Circle Dr (G) . . . . .249-3731            1281 Oak Circle Dr (G) . . . . .249-6181
Sommer Robert . . . . . . . . . . . .236-3608         Song Kee Whan
                                                       4725 Daleridge Rd (LCF) . . .790-8336               Sosa Gwen                                           Southworth Jill consult nutritionist
Sommerfeld Tim . . . . . . . . . . .241-8289                                                                4252 Chevy Chase Dr (LCF) 790-6488                  4636 El Camino Corto (LCF) 790-6941
                                                      Song Ki
Sommers Paul                                           2721 Ridgepine Dr (LaCr) . . .236-3601              Sosa Maria
 5025 Ocean View Bl (LCF) . .542-3016                                                                       2480 Delisle Ct (G) . . . . . . . .244-0671

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