Page 172 - Cres-Can 2018 White Pages
P. 172

What to do Before
     A Strikes!


         Important items to keep on hand.

Californians are constantly aware of the potential of an earthquake.
Each of the items listed below may help you survive in a better way.

                 □ A portable radio with extra batteries.
                 □ A flashlight with extra batteries.
                 □ First Aid kit and First Aid booklet.
                 □ Prescription medicines if required.
                 □ Fire extinguisher.
                 □ A crescent or adjustable wrench to turn off gas

                      and water.
                 □ Bottled water sufficient for entire family for

                      several days.
                 □ Canned and/or dried foods.
                 □ A manual can opener.
                 □ Portable stove that uses propane, butane

                      or charcoal.
                 □ Matches.
                 □ Emergency phone numbers (fire, police, paramedics).
                 □ A plan for contacting relatives.

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