Page 18 - Cres-Can 2018 White Pages
P. 18

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Bonderud B                                         Borgeson Linda                                       Boudouvas John                                       Bowles Brenda
 4700 Dunsmore Av (LaCr) . .957-1292                2635 Seapine Ln (LaCr) . . . .248-7705               3708 La Crescenta (G) . . . . .541-1747              1417 Oak Circle Dr (G) . . . .957-1748

Bonds Grady L                                      Borgjacot B                                          Boukidis Constantine . . . . . . .248-5022           Bowles J . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .551-9437
 3306 Henrietta Av (LaCr) . . .957-3940             4818 La Canada Bl (LCF) . .790-2194
                                                                                                        Bouldin Steven                                       Bowman Barbara
Bonetto Gordon & Jo Anne mfrs rep                  Borhan Claudia                                        2940 Verdugo Rd N (G) . . . .662-8872                2313 Rosecrest Dr (G) . . . . .249-4660
 2729 Mountain Pine (LaCr) . .248-2746              1748 Verdugo Rd N (G) . . . .242-8160
                                                                                                        Bouldin V . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .248-5402  Bowman Martha . . . . . . . . . . .790-1495
Bonfilio Gina M                                    Borhan Claudia
 3948 Vista Ct (LaCr) . . . . . . .248-0734         1748 Verdugo Rd N (G) . . . .240-1754               Bouldoukian Garo DC                                  Bowman Rob
                                                                                                         3200 La Crescenta (G) . . . . .236-2708              4757 Rosebank Dr (LCF) . . .248-1180
Bonham Scott W . . . . . . . . . . .952-8767       Borhan Claudia
                                                    1748 Verdugo Rd N (G) . . . .484-5665               Boulgourjian Aline                                   Bowser E D
Bonino Martha                                                                                            2516 Allanjay Pl (G) . . . . . . .334-3504           2540 Orange Av (LaCr) . . . . .248-5810
 3647 Angelus Av (G) . . . . . . .249-3542         Borja Marisol
                                                    2850 Sanborn Av (LaCr) . . .249-9816                Bouquet Tom                                          Boy Scouts (Verdugo Hills Council)
Boninobritsch Maria & Jeff                                                                               4855 Fairlawn Dr (LCF) . . . .790-8896               1325 Grandview Av (G) . . . . .243-6282
 3432 Las Palmas Av (G) . . . .249-2982            Borlund Tom . . . . . . . . . . . . . .790-6484                                                            San Gabriel Council
                                                                                                        Bouquet Tom                                           3450 Sierra Madre Bl(P) 626-351-8815
Bonk Dave . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .249-7385  Bornhurst Bruce & Susan                               4855 Fairlawn Dr (LCF) . . . .790-8867
                                                    5118 Crown Av (LCF) . . . . . .952-2922                                                                  Boyack Robert
Bonner Kirk                                                                                             Bourke Roger . . . . . . . . . . . . .790-6851        1360 San Luis Rey Dr (G) . . .240-4444
 1976 Waltonia Dr (M) . . . . . .249-0453          Bornman Mike
                                                    3160 Menlo Dr (G) . . . . . . . .248-3006           Bourne Donald                                        Boyadjian Haroutun
Bonner Paul & Barbara                                                                                    3137 Altura Av (LaCr) . . . . . .541-1828            5206 Cheryl Av (LaCr) . . . . . .957-5912
 817 Wiladonda Dr (LCF) . . . .790-4671            Borole Hemant
                                                    3163 Orange Av (LaCr) . . . .541-0899               Bous Michelle & William                              Boyadjian Hourig
BONNERS EQUIPMENT                                                                                        4455 Rockland Pl (LCF) . . . .249-2502               4838 Cheryl Av (LaCr) . . . . . .957-6073
 RENTALS                                           Borrego Alex
 We rent most everything                            1625 Glorietta Av (G) . . . . . .396-5945           Bous III Wm & Michelle                               Boyadjian Margo
 6935 Foothill Bl (T)............951-9117                                                                4455 Rockland Pl (LCF) . . . .369-7336               5003 Pennsylvania (LaCr) . .957-0833
                                                   Borst Cory
Bonnett Austin H                                    2826 Adams St (LaCr) . . . . . .249-6629            Bouto Soria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .500-9887    Boyadjian Vania
 1606 Don Carlos Av (G) . . . .243-3755                                                                                                                       2417 Teasley (LaCr) . . . . . . .248-5859
                                                   Boses Scott R                                        Boutros Gaby
Bonoli Luigi                                        4435 Chevy Chase Dr (LCF) 790-4484                   1344 Verdugo Bl (LCF) . . . . .949-7556             Boyadzhyan Victor
 2111 Armour Pl (G) . . . . . . . .244-6206                                                                                                                   3850 Fourth Av (LaCr) . . . . . .249-9025
                                                   Boshard Jon Michael & Kathleen                       Bouza Anthony
Bonyad Lena                                         4848 Del Monte Rd (LCF) . . .790-7259                2513 Foothill Bl (LaCr) . . . . .330-9901           Boyajian Marc . . . . . . . . . . . . .957-5778
 1550 Verdugo Rd N (G) . . . .484-5581
                                                   Boss Kathleen . . . . . . . . . . . . .249-5079      Bouzikian Lisa                                       Boyajyan Davit
Bonyadi Y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .249-5630                                                        1211 Oak Circle Dr (G) . . . . .275-3927             2460 Florencita Dr (M) . . . . .541-6754
                                                   Boston Dental Care
Bonyadian Andre . . . . . . . . . . .500-8788       3730 Foothill Bl (LaCr) . . . . .248-1991           Bow Tie Cleaners                                     Boyamian Michael
                                                                                                         458 Foothill Bl (LCF) . . . . . .790-3998            1601 Capistrano Av (G) . . . . .696-1604
Bonyadian Andre . . . . . . . . . . .249-0909      Boswell David . . . . . . . . . . . . .248-5730
                                                                                                        Bowen Ceramic Tile & Stone                           Boyce Christine
Bonyadian Andre                                    Boswell Jim & Suzanne                                 6320 Honolulu Av (LaCr) . . . .353-9690              1629 San Gabriel Av (G) . . . .396-5787
 2226 Richey Dr (LCF) . . . . . .249-4131           4911 Hillard Av (LCF) . . . . . .952-4134
                                                                                                        Bowen Daniel                                         Boyce Robert
Boodaghian Goorgen . . . . . . .242-2612           Boswell Shirley                                       2423 Olive Av (LaCr) . . . . . . .249-3615           14 Mtn Oaks Park (LaCr) . . .249-3373
                                                    3620 Montrose Av (LaCr) . . .957-3579
Boodaghians Razmik B                                                                                    Bowen Edwin & Joan                                   Boychuk Benjamin M
 3461 Brookhill St (LaCr) . . . .330-9990          Botsch Walter & Penny                                 6320 Honolulu Av (LaCr) . . . .352-4423              2762 Rockpine Ln (LaCr) . . .248-8390
                                                    4926 Palm Dr (LCF)
Boone Chris                                                                                             Bower James                                          Boyd Cynthia . . . . . . . . . . . . . .541-9655
 1889 Alpha Rd (G) . . . . . . . .484-7646         Bottema Melanie                                       427 Mesa Lila Rd (G) . . . . . .249-7513
                                                    1335 San Luis Rey Dr (G) . .242-7788                                                                     Boyd Jan
Boone Kathleen                                                                                          Bower Richard                                         4311 Oakwood Av (LCF) . . . .790-8179
 3511 Sparr Bl (G) . . . . . . . . .957-6077       Bottomley David                                       4362 Beulah Dr (LCF) . . . . . .952-6462
                                                    2387 Florencita Av (M) . . . . .330-9070                                                                 Boyd Johnny & Devon
Borchert Mark                                                                                           Bower Richard & Shelley                               1733 Don Carlos Av (G) . . . .553-6708
 4821 Carmel Rd (LCF) . . . . .790-9441            Bottrell Gerald W & Barbara eng                       335 Blythe Rd (LCF)
                                                    2442 Teasley (LaCr) . . . . . . .248-7874                                                                Boyd Malcolm
Borden Jonathan S                                                                                       Bower Shelley . . . . . . . . . . . . .957-0783       1387 Journeys End Dr (LCF) 864-6023
 2521 Foothill Bl (LaCr) . . . . .541-9747         Bottrell Lorraine
                                                    2414 Janet Lee Dr (LaCr) . . .248-6765              Bowers Chantelle . . . . . . . . . .249-9755         Boyd Timothy A
Border Chris                                                                                                                                                  3031 Montrose Av (LaCr) . . .249-7745
 4401 Wasatch Dr (LCF) . . . .952-1410             Bouchard David                                       Bowers Frank W & Eleanor
                                                    3715 Second Av (LaCr) . . . . .248-3095              4239 Encinas Dr (LCF) . . . . .790-1418             Boyd W Edward Jr
Border James S                                                                                                                                                2916 Mtn Pine Dr (LaCr) . . .541-1946
 4401 Wasatch Dr (LCF) . . . .952-0045             Bouchard Earl T                                      Bowers H . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .952-1225
                                                    3113 Harmony Pl (LaCr) . . . .248-5985                                                                   Boyer Betty M
Bordoni Simona                                                                                          Bowers Robert & Melody                                3560 Emanuel Dr (G)
 660 Pomander Pl (LCF) . . . .864-6305             Boucher Lloyd E & Bobbi                               2106 Bristow Dr (LCF) . . . . .249-9822
                                                    4933 Boston Av (LaCr) . . . . .248-9617                                                                  Boyer Jon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .249-3612
Boreham Greg                                                                                            Bowers Roberta
 5330 Jessen Dr (LCF) . . . . . .248-1235          Boucher Romagne                                       2520 Prospect Av (M) . . . . . .957-5562            Boyer Margo
                                                    4923 Rupert Ln (LCF) . . . . .790-5855                                                                    3421 Community Av (LaCr) . .249-4952
Boreman Ruth                                                                                            Bowers Shelley . . . . . . . . . . . .957-5905
 2840 Honolulu Av (VC) . . . . .249-9583           Boucher Romagne                                                                                           Boyer Steve
                                                    4923 Rupert Ln (LCF) . . . . .790-5888              Bowie Cynthia . . . . . . . . . . . . .236-3667       2747 El Caminito (LaCr) . . . .249-4840

                                                                                                        Bowie Cynthia
                                                                                                         2826 Alta Ter (LaCr) . . . . . . .275-3806

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