Page 38 - Cres-Can 2018 White Pages
P. 38

818-249-5224                                                                                                   Team Up with CDC promo for
                                                                                                               all your uniform needs!

                                                                                                               Softball, Baseball, Soccer, Basketball &
                                                                                                               More! Call for pricing.

Delany Mike                                             Demirdjian Hasmig                                      Depriest T                                        Dersarkissian Dikran
 4914 Alta Canyada Rd (LCF)495-7016                      4417 Oakwood Av (LCF) . . .790-0869                    4314 Bel Air Dr (LCF) . . . . . .790-0845         5416 La Crescenta (LaCr) . .249-7416

Delaura E Peter                                         Demirdjian J                                           DEPUTY PLUMBER                                    Dersarkissian Zareh
 3950 El Lado Dr (LaCr) . . . .957-2325                  1563 The Midway (G) . . . . . .244-3832                St Lic #989439                                    1620 Virden Dr (G) . . . . . . . .242-7209
                                                                                                                Call ..............................888-801-6090
Delbis Robert E & Marion J                              Demirjian S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .249-2130                                                        Dersaroian Saro
 4010 Liberty Av (LaCr) . . . . .249-5459                                                                      Der Avakain Edward                                 1134 San Luis Rey Dr (G) . . .244-8657
                                                        Demirjian Shane                                         4640 Dyer (LaCr) . . . . . . . . .541-0007
Delcastillo S A                                          4251 Commonwealth (LCF) .928-1033                                                                       Derstepanians Vahe . . . . . . . .248-8717
 4401 Rockland Pl (M) . . . . .541-9391                                                                        Der-Grigorian Rosa
                                                        Demirjian Shane                                         3828 Sky View Ln (LaCr) . . .951-8139            Dertavitian Nick . . . . . . . . . . . .369-7093
Delcher Cara                                             4158 Commonwealth (LCF) .864-6275
 3601 Buena Vista Av (G) . . . .275-3769                                                                       Der Sarkissian & Associates                       Dervishian Armen
                                                        Demis Ernie                                             3600 Ocean View Bl (G) . . . .248-1119            1625 Del Valle Av (G) . . . . . .548-7655
Delcueto Omar                                            3505 Sierra Vista Av (G) . . . .541-6948
 1017 White Deer Dr (LCF) . .952-9850                                                                          Der Sarkissian & Associates                       Derzagharian Lalageh
                                                        Demma Lorraine . . . . . . . . . . .330-9940            2600 Foothill Bl (LaCr) . . . . .500-0836         1935 Alpha Rd (G) . . . . . . . .244-5631
Deleon Denis . . . . . . . . . . . . . .957-0105
                                                        Demont David A                                         Der Sarkissian Armen                              Desai Mihir
Deleon Susan                                             1882 Caminito del Cielo (G) .548-5481                  4641 Crown Av (LCF) . . . . . .928-1008           5169 Redwillow Ln (LCF) . . .864-6907
 2239 Florencita Av (M) . . . . .957-2155
                                                        Denne Donald                                           Derassoyan Vahe N                                 Desai Mihir
Deleon V . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .957-6502       3416 Downing Av (G) . . . . . .249-1760                3910 San Augustine Dr (G) . .952-2822             5169 Redwillow Ln (LCF) . . .790-7930

Delgadillo Patti                                        Denne Jake                                             Deravanessian Hrire                               Desai Ritesh
 2605 Pontiac (LaCr) . . . . . . .248-4757               3416 Downing Av (G) . . . . . .249-1760                3200 Fairesta St (LaCr) . . . . .249-5740         1830 Verdugo Rd N (G) . . . .507-9826

Deli Sis                                                Dennerline Richard                                     Derbarseghian Vera                                Desai Ritesh
 3069 Foothill Bl (LaCr) . . . . .248-6648               1000 White Deer Dr (LCF) . .790-2824                   5324 Rosemont Av (LaCr) . . .957-1461             3705 El Moreno (LaCr) . . . . .275-3795

Deli Sis                                                Denney Richard J Jr                                    Derhacopian Zaven                                 DeSantis Gene
 3069 Foothill Bl (LaCr) . . . . .330-0104               5706 Alder Ridge Dr (LCF) . .952-1854                  2457 Los Positas Rd (G) . . . .241-3340           2339 Florencita Dr (M) . . . . .249-7774

D'Elia Christopher                                      Dennis Charles F                                       Derian Garnik                                     Desantos Maria
 5173 Earl Dr (LCF) . . . . . . . .952-0004              2500 Honolulu Av (M) . . . . . .248-9848               5439 Ocean View Bl (LCF) . .248-7506              2510 Mayfield Av (M) . . . . . .248-9267

Delianedis George                                       Dennis Prager                                          Derieg Joseph                                     Descanso Cafe
 3723 La Crescenta (G) . . . .249-8252                   1720 La Floresta Dr (LCF) . .790-0330                  4387 Ocean View Bl (M) . . . .248-6153            1418 Descanso Dr (LCF) . . .790-3663

Dell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .541-9392  Dennis Virginia                                        Derksen Carl                                      Descanso Dermatology Medical Group
                                                         3340 Country Club Dr (G) . . .249-5285                 2271 Laughlin (LCF) . . . . . . .249-4456         1346 Foothill Bl (LCF) . . . . . .790-6726
Dellavalle Diane
 3354 Reta St (LaCr) . . . . . . .957-1148              Denny Anna                                             Derman Elliott & Elizabeth                        Descanso Electrolysis
                                                         3719 Altura Av (LaCr) . . . . . .369-7632              610 Groveview Ln (LCF) . . . .790-7967            2032 Thompson Ct (M) . . . . .249-5489
Dellon Pamela real estate sales
 2337 Panorama Dr (LaCr) . . .248-6451                  Denny Chantal . . . . . . . . . . . .275-3747          Dermartirosian Suren                              Descanso Family Practice
                                                                                                                2636 Montrose Av (M) . . . . . .249-8190          1818 Verdugo Bl (G) . . . . . . .790-1088
Delman Howard                                           Deno James
 4720 Hillard Av (LCF) . . . . . .790-2243               3614 Second Av (LaCr) . . . . .957-2311               Dermichyan Gary                                   Descanso Gardens
                                                                                                                1894 Caminito del Cielo (G) .945-5065             1418 Descanso Dr (LCF) . . .949-4200
Delosreyes Karen . . . . . . . . . .396-5211            Densmore Tom E R                                                                                          Guild . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .952-4408
                                                         1426 Mildine Dr (G) . . . . . . . .957-8032           Dermody Steve                                      Guild Development . . . . . . . .952-4391
Deltal Commercial Realty                                                                                        5006 Glencove Av (LaCr) . . .249-8540             Gift Shop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .949-4292
 3436 Verdugo Rd N (G) . . . .249-6466                  Dentistry for Children
                                                         747 Foothill Bl (LCF) . . . . . . .790-1160           Dern Peter                                        Descanso Gardens Guild
Deluca Peter                                                                                                    3942 Mayfield Av (LaCr) . . . .249-5582           1418 Descanso Dr (LCF) . . .952-4409
 2316 Hermosita Dr (G) . . . . .265-9377                Denton John E & Isabel consult eng
                                                         4926 Hillard Av (LCF) . . . . . .790-4753             Dern Welsh Christina                              Descanso Medical Center
Delurgio Joseph                                                                                                 2121 Valderas Dr (G) . . . . . .249-1895          1346 Foothill Bl (LCF) . . . . . .952-3473
 5222 Jessen Dr (LCF) . . . . . .790-6430               Denton Thomas . . . . . . . . . . . .249-7155
                                                                                                               Deroche Frances A                                 Descanso OB/GYN
Dematatis Joan                                          Denzer Paul                                             3264 Dora Verdugo Dr (G) . .957-4891              1808 Verdugo Bl (G) . . . . . . .952-6300
 2840 Honolulu Av (VC)                                   3308 Stevens (LaCr) . . . . . . .541-1357
                                                                                                               Derohannesian Shahan                              Deschenes Helena . . . . . . . . .275-3242
Deme J                                                  Denzin Richard                                          4613 Daleridge Rd (LCF) . . .952-3169
 4306 Oakwood Av (LCF) . . . .790-2287                   2848 Community Av (LaCr) . .957-0125                                                                    Desert Vista Properties
                                                                                                               Derohannous Sedik                                  3441 Prospect Av (LaCr) . . . .369-7522
Demerit Craig                                           Denzl Sharon                                            2616 Canada Bl (G) . . . . . . .243-1428
 4309 Woodleigh Ln (LCF) . . .864-6202                   3868 Vista Ct (LaCr) . . . . . .248-9361                                                                Desi Geestman Foundation
                                                                                                               DeRosa D                                           2708 Foothill Bl (LaCr) . . . . .249-1105
Demerji Agop                                            Deoca Oralia                                            1304 Padres Trail (LCF) . . . .790-5881
 5140 Cloud Av (LaCr) . . . . . .541-0282                1630 Santa Barbara Av (G) .549-9121                                                                     Desia Shailen
                                                                                                               Derpic Kim                                         1251 Fernside Dr (LCF) . . . .864-6611
Demeter Milan J M.D. FACS                               Depaoli David . . . . . . . . . . . . .957-8263         4617 Briggs Av (LaCr) . . . . . .369-7562
 1370 Foothill Bl (LCF) . . . . . .952-1155                                                                                                                      Design Concepts
                                                        Depew Alison                                           Dersarkissian A . . . . . . . . . . . .541-0721    4033 Chevy Chase Dr (LCF) 952-0103
Demir Firat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .275-3674        1641 Alta Park Ln (LCF) . . .790-6868
                                                                                                               Dersarkissian Alina                               Design on the Square
Demir Vanglov                                           Depew Steve                                             2461 Delisle Ct (G) . . . . . . .545-9664         3445 Las Palmas Av (G) . . . .330-7880
 751 St Katherine Dr (LCF) . .790-7421                   1641 Alta Park Ln (LCF) . . . .790-1188

Demirdjian Avedis                                       Depompa Rick . . . . . . . . . . . . .248-8339
 3810 Ramsdell Av (LaCr) . . .275-3125

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