Page 47 - Cres-Can 2018 White Pages
P. 47

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Ferretti Nirvana                                       Fife Michelle                                          Firdosy Samad                                        Fisher Greg
 5230 Maryland Av (LaCr) . . .275-3061                  3733 Mayfield Av (LaCr) . . . .248-1408                2753 Harmony Pl (LaCr) . . . .541-1322               1920 Lyans Dr (LCF) . . . . . . .790-7746

Ferril William & Mary                                  Fiffles Jamie . . . . . . . . . . . . . .545-9733      Fire Alarm                                           Fisher Kenneth
 2232 Phyllis (LaCr) . . . . . . . .248-4080                                                                   3511 Sparr Bl (G) . . . . . . . . .957-4613          2333 Mira Vista Av (M) . . . . .369-7199
                                                       Figeroa M
Ferro Julie                                             2415 Fairway Av (M) . . . . . .249-5409               FIRE DEPARTMENTS - EMERGENCY                         Fisher L J
 1935 Alpha Rd (G) . . . . . . . .242-1569                                                                     Glendale Station No 28                               4656 El Camino Corto (LCF) 790-3425
                                                       Figge George                                            4410 New York Av (LaCr) . . . . . . . .911
Ferry Joseph                                            5117 Gould Av (LCF) . . . . . . .790-5818              Glendale Station No 29                              Fisher N . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .541-0891
 4616 Alta Canyada Rd (LCF) 790-6614                                                                           2465 Honolulu Av (M) . . . . . . . . . . .911
                                                       Figgins D E & Lula A teamstr                            Los Angeles County                                  Fisher William F & Helen L
Ferry William                                           2637 Mayfield Av (LaCr)                                352 Foothill Blvd (LCF) . . . . . . . . . .911       3859 Karen Lynn Dr (G)
 1304 Descanso Dr (LCF) . . .790-3171                                                                          1729 Foothill Blvd (LCF) . . . . . . . . .911
                                                       Fighera Susan                                           4526 Ramsdell Av (LaCr) . . . . . . . .911          Fishman Aaron
Ferry William F & Peggy                                 2915 Henrietta Av (LaCr) . . .249-1031                                                                      4394 Beulah Dr (LCF) . . . . . .952-1303
 1304 Descanso Dr (LCF) . . .790-3833                                                                         Firestone Scott
                                                       Figueroa Corinne                                        1525 Opechee Wy (G) . . . . .242-4321               Fisk John
Feruccio V . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .242-6154      353 Baptiste Wy (LCF) . . . . .864-6754                                                                     2753 Piedmont Av (M) . . . . .330-7058
                                                                                                              FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH
Feterl Pam                                             Figueroa Efrain                                         AT LA CRESCENTA                                     Fiske Don
 3113 Cloudcrest Rd (LaCr) . .249-6053                  4833 Alminar Av (LCF) . . . . .952-1146                4441 La Crescenta (LaCr) 249-5832                    3950 Abella St (LaCr) . . . . . .249-3081

Fettig Richard                                         Filian Margarita                                       First Church of Christ, Scientist                    Fiske Erik B & Mary Lou eng
 2951 Alabama St (LaCr) . . . .541-0881                 1955 Calle Sirena (G) . . . . .550-9905                600 Foothill Bl (LCF) . . . . . . .790-3493          1030 Flanders Rd (LCF) . . . .790-0181

Fettig Richard . . . . . . . . . . . . .541-1883       Filian Ruben                                           First Congregational Church of Glen                  Fit Concept Studio
                                                        978 Calle Bella (G) . . . . . . . .245-6399            2001 Canada Bl (G) . . . . . . .243-2100             3600 Verdugo Rd N (G) . . . .369-7709
Fey K
 1550 Verdugo Rd N (G) . . . .265-2074                 Filikyan Rita                                          First Hand Home Health                               Fitch R
                                                        550 Whiting Woods Rd (G) . .369-7737                   3130 Foothill Bl (LaCr) . . . . .330-7775            3720 Los Olivos Ln (LaCr) . .957-6457
Fhamamyan Ofanna
 1935 Alpha Rd (G) . . . . . . . .396-4136             Filipek Julie                                          First Investigative Consultants                      Fite Charles
                                                        2514 Mary St (M) . . . . . . . . .249-8410             2529 Foothill Bl (LaCr) . . . . .957-1958            5250 La Canada Bl (LCF) . . .790-2457
Ficarra Debbie
 5820 Edmund Av (LaCr) . . . .275-3437                 Filipiak Chris                                         First Montauk Securities Corp                        Fitness Club for Kids
                                                        3715 La Crescenta (G) . . . . .248-7665                3155 Evelyn (LaCr) . . . .213-487-6929               1049 Foothill Bl (LCF) . .818-427-4285
Fichman Mike & Joanna
 3015 Ashwin Dr (LaCr)                                 Finch Cindy                                            FIRST SOURCE RESTORATION                             Fitzgerald Cathy . . . . . . . . . . .957-3358
                                                        1821 Harmon Pl (G) . . . . . . .249-9627               Water Damage/Cleanup
Fick Barbara L acct                                                                                            Remediation ...............866-489-2559             Fitzgerald David
 4532 Alcorn Dr (LCF) . . . . . .790-3427              Finch Kellie                                                                                                 3131 Harmony Pl (LaCr) . . . .236-3743
                                                        3005 Altura Av (LaCr) . . . . . .330-9494             First Steps
Fick L L                                                                                                       3950 Foothill Bl (LaCr) . . . . .957-6364           Fitzgerald M
 4532 Alcorn Dr (LCF) . . . . . .790-3427              Finch Kevin & Cindy                                                                                          941 Milmada Dr (LCF)
                                                        1821 Harmon Pl (G) . . . . . . .957-2284              Fisanotti John
Fida's Aesthetics                                                                                              2526 Upper Terrace (LaCr) . .957-2605               Fitzgerald Mike
 2645 Foothill Bl (LaCr) . .818-216-2217               Finch L                                                                                                      998 Calle Del Pacifico (G) . . .243-5649
                                                        3005 Altura Av (LaCr) . . . . . .249-8975             Fischer I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .248-8830
Fidanian Aramazd                                                                                                                                                   Fitzgerald Nathan
 4346 Ocean View Bl (M) . . . .330-7078                Findley William G & Elloree L CPA                      Fischman Rie . . . . . . . . . . . . .957-1545        4838 El Sereno Av (LaCr) . . .541-1908
                                                        621 Groveview Ln (LCF) . . . .951-0113
Fiddler Alison . . . . . . . . . . . . . .275-3015                                                            Fischman Rie                                         Fitzgerald Sharon
                                                       Fink Sandra . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .248-6026       4610 Glenwood Av (LaCr) . . .275-3903                2341 Henrietta Av (LaCr) . . .249-3276
Field A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .957-4721
                                                       Finley Edward R & Elaine M mfg                         Fish Vincent atty                                    Fitzgibbons Jodie
Field Christine                                         9333 Belvoir Av (LaCr)                                 5211 Donna Maria Ln (LCF) .790-3180                  5139 Cloud Av (LaCr) . . . . . .249-2179
 1770 Woodland Av (G) . . . . .546-1560
                                                       Finn Shawn                                             Fisher Anita                                         Fitzmorris Brian . . . . . . . . . . . .507-1775
Field Law                                               4802 Hill (LCF) . . . . . . . . . . .952-7230          2806 Orange Av (LaCr) . . . . .249-1257
 3923 Foothill Bl (LaCr) . . . . .369-7900                                                                                                                         Fitzpatrick Casey . . . . . . . . . . .952-2319
                                                       Finnegan Kitie                                         Fisher Ann
Fielder Kelley A                                        2750 Piedmont Av (M) . . . . . .249-2997               2100 Valderas Dr (G) . . . . . .249-7724            5.2 Patio
 3645 Encinal Av (LaCr) . . . . .542-6658                                                                                                                           3231 Foothill Bl (LaCr) . . . . .957-2389
                                                       Finnegan Michael                                       Fisher Berneva
Fields Marjorie                                         804 Houseman (LCF) . . . . . .790-2517                 1629 San Gabriel Av (G) . . .334-3194               Fix Auto Montrose
 1109 Wiladonda Dr (LCF) . . .952-0338                                                                                                                              3722 Park Pl (M) . . . . . . . . . .330-7701
                                                       Finney Cristina                                        Fisher Craig
Fiero Alejandra                                         1875 Palm Terrace Ct (LCF) .952-6171                   4422 New York Av (LaCr) . . .249-9979               Fix Laser & Skin Center
 4419 Pennsylvania (LaCr) . .249-1750                                                                                                                               3600 Ocean View Bl (G) . . . .248-9575
                                                       Finney Julie                                           Fisher Craig & Tracy
Fiero Women's Fashion                                   2267 Waltonia Dr (M) . . . . . .248-1783               3742 Fifth Av (LaCr) . . . . . . .249-0638          Fix Wellness Center
 3916 Foothill Bl (LaCr)                                                                                                                                            3600 Ocean View Bl (G) . . .248-9500
                                                       Finney S C                                             Fisher Dee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .952-2923
Fierras Kemi                                            1875 Palm Terrace Ct (LCF) .952-6171                                                                       Flaccavento Lisa
 3250 Fairesta St (LaCr) . . . . .330-9181                                                                    Fisher G B                                            2800 Montrose Av (LaCr) . . .957-4606
                                                       Finney S C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .952-6225        327 Santa Inez Wy (LCF)
Fierro Ralph                                                                                                                                                       Flame Broiler 53 The
 2319 Blanchard Dr (G) . . . . .243-0114               Fiori Phil                                                                                                   1500 Canada Bl (G) . . . . . . .242-5742
                                                        3426 Rosemary Av (G) . . . . .275-3556
Fife Kay                                                                                                                                                           Flatlie M
 2676 Ridgepine Dr (LaCr) . . .248-1525                Fiorito Janelle                                                                                              582 Starlight Crest Dr (LCF) .790-4232
                                                        3123 Hermosa Av (LaCr) . . .330-9363

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