Page 93 - Cres-Can 2018 White Pages
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Crescenta Valley                                       The Chamber Sponsors the Following Community Events:

                                                     • Hometown Country Fair & Car Show • Community Recognition Banquet • 4th of July Display

Chamber of Commerce                                         • Scholarship Golf Tournament • Running the Foothills 5K • Smart-A-Thon
                                                     • Foothills Community Business Expo • Foothill Community Clean Up Day • Day at the Races
“Our Business is Your Business”
                                                             Phone: 818-248-4957 • Fax: 818-248-9625

3131 Foothill Blvd., Suite D, La Crescenta, CA 91214 Web: • E-mail:

Levelle Teresa                                       Lewis Linette . . . . . . . . . . . . . .248-4069             Libby Robin                                          Lightbourne Mary . . . . . . . . . .502-0664
 2728 Community Av (LaCr) . .248-4313                                                                               994 Calle la Primavera (G) . .502-8620
                                                     Lewis Lisa                                                                                                         Lighted Window Preschool
Levenson Janeen                                       3353 Los Olivos Ln (LaCr) . .957-7163                        LIBRARIES                                             1200 Foothill Bl (LCF) . . . . . .790-8207
 1412 Hillside Dr (G) . . . . . . . .243-4830                                                                       4545 Oakwood Av (LCF)...790-3330
                                                     Lewis Lorrie                                                   2809 Foothill Bl (LaCr) .....248-5313               Lightfoot L . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .248-2364
Leverton Eric . . . . . . . . . . . . . .306-3682     3850 Santa Carlotta (LaCr) . .957-6467                        2465 Honolulu Av (M) .......548-2048
                                                                                                                    Main Br 222 Harvard (G)...548-2020                  Ligon Kathryn L
Levin Daniel                                         Lewis M . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .541-9080            Glendale Public Libraries                            2340 Janet Lee Dr (LaCr) . . .249-0094
 220 Starlight Crest Dr (LCF) 790-0409                                                                              Central Library ..................548-2020
                                                     Lewis Michael                                                  Casa Verdugo Branch ......548-2047                  Ligot Alan
Levin Todd                                            1625 Santa Barbara Av (G) . .548-5422                         Chevy Chase Branch........548-2046                   4343 Ocean View Bl (M) . . . .957-3577
 2387 Florencita Av (M) . . . . .330-9020                                                                           Grandview Branch ............548-2049
                                                     Lewis Michael                                                  Literacy Program ..............548-6450             Lilanna Cranmer Real Estate
Levine Dan                                            2327 Dorothy (LaCr) . . . . . . .275-3738                     Brand Library - Art & Music                          1433 Foothill Bl (LCF) . . . . . .545-4262
 2455 Orange Av (LaCr) . . . . .248-2201                                                                            1601 Mountain W (G) ........548-2051
                                                     Lewis Nathan                                                                                                       Lilliquist Rodney
Levine E L                                            2012 Hilldale Dr (LCF) . . . . .275-3704                     Licht Fred                                            5217 Pennsylvania (LaCr) . . .957-0202
 2341 Rockdell (LaCr) . . . . . .249-5135                                                                           1226 Olive Ln (LCF) . . . . . . .790-1400
                                                     Lewis Nathan                                                                                                       Lilly Mark
Levine Greg                                           2012 Hilldale Dr (LCF) . .747-255-7263                       Licht Fred Lee                                        4144 Chevy Chase Dr (LCF) 790-5084
 3540 Pontiac (LaCr) . . . . . . .249-2353                                                                          1226 Olive Ln (LCF) . . . . . . .790-6455
                                                     Lewis Nathan & Carol                                                                                               Lilly Mark
Levine Victor D & Alexandra M                         4808 Gould Av (LCF) . . . . . .790-5902                      Lichtman Mike                                         4144 Chevy Chase Dr (LCF) 790-5088
 400 Inverness Dr (LCF) . . . . .790-6301                                                                           1717 El Rito Av (G) . . . . . . .244-9656
                                                     Lewis Rebecca E atty                                                                                               Lilly Steve & Lisa
Levis R . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .957-7081   5074 Walmar Av (LCF) . . . . .790-4795                       Lictag Teresita . . . . . . . . . . . . .249-7426     4144 Chevy Chase Dr (LCF) 790-5083

Levitt Felicia                                       Lewis Timothy F                                               Licu Helen                                           Lim Bryan
 4444 Briggs Av (M) . . . . . . . .957-1344           1627 Don Carlos Av (G) . . . .240-3207                        2459 Montrose Av (M) . . . . . .957-8741             929 Calle la Primavera (G) . .241-7226

Levonian Brent                                       Lewis Timothy F                                               Lida Gharivian                                       Lim Chang Ki
 1139 Olive Ln (LCF) . . . . . . .790-6100            1627 Don Carlos Av (G) . . . .242-8773                        2905 Montrose Av (LaCr) . . .957-4078                5221 La Canada Bl (LCF) . . .952-8813

Levonian Garnik                                      Lexor Enterprises                                             Liden Olof                                           Lim Frances
 3028 Cloudcrest Rd (LaCr) . .249-2598                3352 Foothill Bl (LaCr) . . . . .957-5570                     2268 Colmena (LCF) . . . . . . .248-5559             5123 Ramsdell Av (LaCr) . . .369-7369

Levy Joshua . . . . . . . . . . . . . .553-3621      Leyda Dick                                                    Liebe Markus & Margaret                              Lim Grace
                                                      5110 Jarvis Av (LCF) . . . . . .952-2948                      2014 Verdugo Bl (G) . . . . . . .920-0012            21 Northwoods Ln (LaCr) . . .541-9754
Levy Stephanie
 3206 Montrose Av (LaCr) . . .541-0908               Leyson Randee                                                 Lieberman J . . . . . . . . . . . . . .957-1331      Lim H D
                                                      1717 Verdugo Rd N (G) . . . .396-5730                                                                              1717 Verdugo Rd N (G) . . . .551-9299
Lew Ailene                                                                                                         Liebler J M
 4645 Rosemont Av (LaCr) . .249-2449                 LG Motorsports Inc                                             4627 Alta Canyada Rd (LCF) 952-0274                 Lim Hae Chon
                                                      2415 Foothill Bl (LaCr) . . . . .369-7677                                                                          4906 La Crescenta (LaCr) . .957-3150
Lew Brad . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .790-6585                                                                 Lieske J H & Sally astronomer
                                                     Lhamon Michael                                                 1136 Olive Ln (LCF) . . . . . . .790-6371           Lim Hana
Lew Diane                                             4610 Palm Dr (LCF) . . . . . . .790-2710                                                                           1717 Verdugo Rd N (G) . . . .242-9615
 5270 Gould Av (LCF) . . . . . .952-6256                                                                           Lieu Peter
                                                     Lhotsky Helen                                                  908 Calle Del Pacifico (G) . . .548-6287            Lim Helen H
Lew M . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .541-0583   2804 Hermosa Av (LaCr) . . .542-4012                                                                               4324 Chevy Chase Dr (LCF) 790-3438
                                                                                                                   Lievense Kimberly
Lew W . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .790-2586  Li Chin                                                        2245 Maurice Av (LaCr) . . . .249-8186              Lim Ik Sun
                                                      1019 Green Ln (LCF) . . . . . .952-6238                                                                            2923 Montrose Av (LaCr)
Lew W & S                                                                                                          Lievense Race Services
 5204 La Forest Dr (LCF) . . . .957-3689             Li J . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .541-6958       4523 Ramsdell Av (LaCr) . . .957-7223               Lim Jean
                                                                                                                                                                         5111 Briggs Av (LaCr) . . . . . .249-6841
Lew Young                                            Li Lu                                                         Liewer Kurt & Paulett
 796 Greenridge Dr (LCF) . . .790-7293                566 Meadow Grove (LCF) . . .928-1017                          5771 Evening Cyn Dr (LCF) .790-8702                 Lim Jeff & Jeanny . . . . . . . . . .244-4879

Lewald Eric                                          Li Man . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .952-0326          Lifavi John . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .248-3590  Lim Jiho
 1724 Hillside Dr (G) . . . . . . . .548-1101                                                                                                                            1717 Verdugo Rd N (G) . . . .244-0749
                                                     Li Mei Hua                                                    Lifset L
Lewald Julia                                          2607 Manhattan Av (M) . . . .236-3766                         2234 Del Mar Rd (M) . . . . . .957-5586             Lim Jin Ki
 1724 Hillside Dr (G) . . . . . . . .548-9779                                                                                                                            2955 Hopeton Rd (LaCr) . . .957-5377
                                                     Liability Water Damage Restoration                            Liganor Godfrey
Lewin Mark                                            3233 Foothill Bl (LaCr) . . . . .330-8952                     2718 Starfall Dr (LaCr) . . . . .248-6975           Lim Jin Yi
 3113 Honolulu Av (LaCr) . . . .957-5915                                                                                                                                 2836 Adams St (LaCr) . . . . .249-9289
                                                     Lianas Taylor and Shop                                        Liggett S D . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .248-7105
Lewis Dault                                           2328 Honolulu Av (M) . .747-255-7170                                                                              Lim Jinhee
 3142 El Caminito (LaCr) . . . .248-9276                                                                           Light Hearted EMT                                     4641 Ramsdell Av (LaCr) . . .541-0534
                                                     Liang Kenneth                                                  3346 Mills Av (LaCr) . . . .747-255-7097
Lewis Don D . . . . . . . . . . . . . .249-5141       4218 Shepherds Ln (LCF) . . .952-6048                                                                             Lim Koo Young . . . . . . . . . . . .541-6777
                                                                                                                   LIGHT ON THE CORNER
Lewis H W                                            Liang Kenneth                                                  CHURCH                                              Lim M Samuel
 1238 Olive Ln (LCF)                                  4218 Shepherds Ln (LCF) . . .952-6032                         1911 Waltonia Dr (M)........249-4806                 5029 Angeles Crt Hwy (LCF) 952-9987

Lewis James M                                        Liang Kenneth                                                                                                      Lim Margarita
 2303 Teasley (LaCr) . . . . . . .957-5264            1239 Lanterman Ln (LCF) . . .864-6237                                                                              1810 El Cino Pl (G) . . . . . . . .957-2573

Lewis John                                           Liaudat Lilie                                                                                                      Lim Mi Young
 2531 Kemper Av (LaCr) . . . .541-1884                2919 Mtn Pine Dr (LaCr) . . . .957-3092                                                                            5117 Dunsmore Av (LaCr) . .249-6621

Lewis Joseph
 5067 Angeles Crt Hwy (LCF) 790-7780

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